Head Office :

  • DMD2
  • 7 rue du Maréchal Joffre 35000 Rennes
  • Liability company with capital of € 10,000.00
  • Commercial register: 505 001 016
  • Band name : Macadam Basket

Legal information of the site:

Hosting : OVH

Domains : Gandi SAS


The content of this site (texts, graphic works, photographs or illustrations, paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings, and installations of all origins), present on the Macadam Basket website, constitutes graphic creations and / or original protected software. by law n ° 92-597 of 07/01/92 relating to the intellectual property code. As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, in part or in whole, of the elements contained in this site, without the prior written authorization of Macadam Basket, is prohibited, under penalty of constituting an offense. copyright infringement. Offenders will be prosecuted, without prejudice to any other remedy.

Information on products and services:

The information communicated on this site is presented for information and general purposes. It does not claim to be exhaustive. Despite updates to the content of the site, Macadam Basket cannot be held responsible for the modification of administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication. Macadam Basket reserves the right to modify the content of commercial offers and prices.


Website created by Félix Godefroy and Organic Web.